Thursday, February 5, 2009

23 Things

Well, I've created a blog! What an accomplishment! Habit 4 is probably the hardest of the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners for me. On the other hand, once I master a task I love to share my knowlege with other-- making Habit 7 my favorite.


  1. Congrats on the new blog! Keep up the good work:-)

  2. Hi Tamala...

    So, how's the blogging going??? I noticed you chose number 7 as your favorite. I too chose that one. It's just our nature I suppose to help out whenever possible. I knew we had a lot in common!

  3. Hi Tamala...

    So, how's the blogging going??? I noticed you chose number 7 as your favorite. I too chose that one. It's just our nature I suppose to help out whenever possible. I knew we had a lot in common!
